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When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present
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Release Date: August 2005
Page Count: 288
Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-1537-3
Case Lot Quantity: 44

When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present

Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back

Bestselling author Sue Augustine leads the reader along a clear, manageable path to reconciliation with a painful past. Relying on biblical principles and using her own heart-rending story, she points the way to a future full of hope.

With compassion and empathy—and plenty of “telling-on-herself” humor—she shows readers how to…

  • Identify, release, and change how they respond to the past
  • Overcome the “victim” mentality
  • Set goals for the future with passion and purpose

Fears will be conquered and dreams renewed for those seeking to cut loose the baggage of the long ago. A must-read for anyone struggling with a difficult past that is harming their present and crippling their future.

Meet the author

Sue Augustine

Sue Augustine

Sue Augustine is the author of When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present, Simple Retreats for a Woman’ s Soul, and With Wings, There Are No Barriers, as well as a contributor to the Chicken Soup for the Soul and the God Answers Prayers series. An internationally known speaker at corporate and professional events and...

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A Word from the Author

"Writing this book based on my personal journey from tragedy to triumph has been one of the most rewarding yet challenging projects I have ever completed. My desire is that it will be an incredible source of hope, encouragement and inspiration for those who struggle with a painful past as I did. You see, with exceptionally low self-esteem and virtually no confidence, I found myself in a relationship where I was a battered wife for 11 years, enduring many life-threatening injuries. After my divorce, it seemed that I might never experience freedom from heartache, despair, bitterness, shame, and remorse. But by implementing the 21 steps I present in this book, God moved my life from heartbreak to victory. Now these steps can help you do what is necessary to release whatever roadblocks hold you back from the glorious, peace-filled future that God has in store!"
Sue Augustine, author of When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present


9 REVIEWS Leave a Comment »

When Your Past is Hurting Your Present is a book for every woman who struggles with guilt, personal growth, and the establishing of godly relationships. It’s sort of like hiring Sue as your personal coach for 21 days…only far less expensive. As she pours her love and life experiences onto the pages, Sue provides hope and practical help for anyone who has survived a painful past, and, in one way or another, I wonder if we all don’t qualify for that.”

“I believe this book is for everyone and especially for those of us who have experienced a traumatic childhood and a mentally and emotionally abusive marriage. Being able to relate to her life story on so many levels makes you feel understood and validated. Thank you Sue for your honesty, transparency, and inspiration.”

12/21/14 Laura Metcalfe

“I’m the proof of God’s heart-changing power through this book. I have spent a lifetime trying to understand why as Sue puts it ‘you only brighten a room when you leave it.’ I now have the tools to be the Christian God wants me to be. I just never figured it all out until I read this book. God speaks so clearly in this book through, Sue. It was a page turner and it opened up my eyes to such destructive habits but unlike many books, she gave me an alternative that is not only biblical but works.  “This book has not only changed my life but I’ve only had it one week. I am just blown away and just wish I had read it years ago. I was set free and I pray that you purchase it and get set free by our Lord as well. It is written for women, but guys will gain from it as well. I will say that you will get what you put into it. She suggests getting a journal and copy down key passages that speak to you. I did that and in doing so I was able to help a friend by simply quoting God’s truths that Sue writes so beautifully about. If you want to be the woman God wants you to be, you so need to read and embrace this book.”

“Sue has written a book with a fresh approach to the problems that we face. I love the truth of change in 21 days! This will be recommended as I speak weekly at conferences across the U.S.”

“This book will inspire all who read it to examine the beliefs that limit their expectations of life. The exceptional combination of stories from Sue’s own personal experience and lessons learned from observation of others encourages the reader to become more aware of God at work in their own story and in the lives of those around them. Seldom does one find a book that so expertly covers such a broad range of issues that resonate across generational and even gender boundaries.”

“W.O.W.—‘Write on Woman!’ This certainly is a book in due season. Who doesn’t have a past that affects them, in the present, to some degree? Sue is endearingly transparent, sharing her own past struggles as she evolves into the beautiful strong and vibrant woman she is today. She gently draws you into her own personal realm and envelopes you with caring, sharing and encouragement. It feels like Sue is right there beside you, becoming your own personal strategist and helping you to implement the 21 Steps. She guides you through the pages, helping you to face past issues and, where necessary, gives permission to simply ‘let go.’ This book is all–encompassing and was not easy to put down once I started. I’ll certainly recommend it highly to others as a ‘must read’ and look forward to future releases with great anticipation.”

12/21/14 Maria Marques

“We know that we are supposed to “forgive, forget and move on” but sometimes this is much easier said than done. We don’t realize how much hurt we still hold onto and how much it is hurting us in many ways of our lives. Sue helps bring to the forefront what we have tried to unsuccessfully bury and helps us lay it to rest once and for all, deepening our faith and helping us realize that our life can be GREAT no matter what has happened in the past. Until we forgive and forget we can not move on ? Sue walks us through how to apply this to our personal lives. This book is a must read even if you think you have “moved on”. Sue’s passion and zeal for a better life is contagious.”

12/21/14 Susan Hotson

“What a breath of fresh air! The author writes with such empathy for the reader. The pages of this book are woven with a wonderful mix of wisdom, humor, and compassion as the author shares her own journey from tragedy and hardship to victory and fulfillment. But the book is far more than just one person’s story. For all of us who, at times, feel trapped in the haunting web of past failures, hurts, and destructive thinking, this is a ‘hands–on, how–to’ kind of book. By applying the practical principles presented in its pages, you too will find freedom to move beyond the clutches of yesterday; gain strength to live in the precious present and know bright hop for the future. Thank you, Sue Augustine, for being transparent and for creating such an awesome resource.”

12/21/14 Sue Apicella

“Whether you are trying to overcome relatively small hurts from yesterday or to hurdle major stumbling blocks from decades past, you’ve found the right book. This is not just another self–help resource; it is a companion. Sue Augustine seems to jump out of the pages and grab you by the hand like a friend who is eager to share something very exciting. Not only does she help point you in the direction of the truths that will set you free, but Sue also walks along with you as she shares her own personal experiences and struggles. Although taking an honest look at ourselves can sometimes reveal things that are tough to swallow, Sue’s warmth, humor, and sincere desire to help others flows through to provide that ‘spoonful of sugar that makes the medicine go down.’ It is very easy to see why she is a popular motivational speaker because her enthusiasm is infectious ? even in print!”

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