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You Are Not Behind
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Release Date: September 2024
Page Count: 224
Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-8823-0
Case Lot Quantity: 52

You Are Not Behind

Building a Life You Love Without Having Everything You Want

What if God has more in store for your life than you’ve given him credit for?

The pressure of unmet milestones and unfulfilled dreams can make you feel like you’ve already missed out on the life you were “supposed” to have. But you don't have to exhaust yourself trying to keep up in order to enjoy what's right in front of you.

In You Are Not Behind, Meghan Ryan Asbury will help you create a life you love with the one you already have. Drawing on biblical wisdom and relatable stories, Meghan will guide you to

  • release the internal shame and external pressure of "where you should be" while still being honest with God (and yourself)
  • free yourself from comparison and secretly keeping score with the people around you so you can have the community you long for
  • understand the actual meaning of contentment and realize you can hold on to hope for the future without letting it overshadow today’s happiness

Authentic and encouraging, You Are Not Behind will teach you to grieve the hard, celebrate the good, and embrace the in-between of where you are and where you want to be.

Meet the author

Meghan Ryan Asbury

Meghan Ryan Asbury

Meghan Ryan Asbury is an author and speaker who is passionate about helping people find and live out their God-given callings. She’s worked in ministry both on college campuses and internationally as well as with Proverbs 31 Ministries. When she’s not surrounded by friends, you can usually find her reading a book...

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FOREWORD by Lysa TerKeurst
The last ten years of my life have included a lot of tears. Fears. Intense heartbreak. Countless hours of counseling. Wondering and asking God, “Why?” Making a tiny bit of progress. Then regress. Feeling so unsettled. Trying to step forward but wondering where to go. Secretly thinking everyone else is figuring this out but not me.

The death of my marriage left me feeling not only behind but completely devastated.

I don’t know what pain you are carrying today, but chances are you have arrived here with some of these same feelings too.

You didn’t think life would be like this. You didn’t think circumstances would be like this. You didn’t think you would be like this. You didn’t think they would be like this. You didn’t think God would be like this.

I have said these words. I have been in this place. I promise I understand.

But this is what I’ve come to know: Our life may be different than what we thought it would be, but it can still be good.

A day is coming when there will no longer be a gap between our expectations and experiences. They will be one and the same. We won’t be hurt. We won’t live hurt. We won’t be disappointed, and we won't live disappointed. Not in people. Not in ourselves. Not in God. Our feelings and faith will nod in agreement. 

But as you know, we don’t live there yet. Therefore, what can we do today?

I have a challenge for you…and it’s one I’ve gleaned from my friend Meghan many times:

Get your hopes up.

The enemy wants us to be so consumed with our unmet expectations that we lose sight of Jesus completely. He wants our inner selves to be sick with hopelessness (Proverbs 13:12), full of doubt, and disillusioned with our circumstances, other people, and God.

Oh friend, don’t let the enemy get you down. Instead, get your hopes up.

You may have experienced twists and turns in your story. Distractions and delays. Undeserving interruptions and setbacks. But even when everything else seems uncertain, the goodness and kindness of God is something we can count on and something we can build our hope upon.

In the pages of this book, your tender heart will be cared for by someone who gets it. Meghan is honest and vulnerable and chooses to bravely go first—saying the things most of us feel but are too afraid to say out loud. This is not a book full of self-help hype about how to make your life better. This book is full of rich scriptural truth that will point you to the Bread of Life—Jesus. Your sustainer and Savior, the author AND finisher of your story (Hebrews 12:2). 

Meghan will help you learn to live in hopeful anticipation again as you realize you are not behind. You are right where you’re supposed to be. Full of potential. Full of possibilities. Full of purpose.

I know this to be true because I know Him.

Much love from me to you, friend.
—Lysa TerKeurst

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