Posted on May 22, 2018      Topic : Men's Christian LivingProphecy

Genesis: Gateway to God’s Love

Genesis gives us the roots for the world we live in. Until you understand Genesis, you can't fully grasp the rest of the story.

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Posted on May 18, 2018      Topic : Men's Christian Living

Discover the Hidden Value of Patience

If you're like most men, patience is far from a virtue. Hunter and author Don Hicks wants to remind you of the hidden benefits of waiting in today's blog post.

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Posted on May 15, 2018      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalWomen's Christian Living

Unpack Your Faith in a Fresh New Way

Spring is a great time to take a fresh look at your faith. Author Rebecca List-Bergeron has a word of encouragement for you in expressing your love for God in exciting new ways.  

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Posted on May 10, 2018      Topic : Women's Christian Living

The One Thing You Can Do to Really Connect with Your Kids

The best way to connect with you children and make them feel valued--find out what their passions are and invest in them.

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Posted on May 08, 2018      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalWomen's Christian Living

What Snow Falling on Dead Trees Taught Me About Jesus

Somewhere along the line, we’ve all believed something about ourselves that we were never meant to believe. But Jesus died so we could be free. Are you ready to embrace the freedom He offers?

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