Posted on Jun 27, 2019      Topic : Men's Christian LivingWomen's Christian Living

How You Can Help an Adoptive or Foster Family

Even if you aren't called to foster parent or adopt a child, you can still support parents who are. Here's how.

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Posted on Jun 25, 2019      Topic : Men's Christian LivingWomen's Christian Living

Following God’s Way of Forgiveness

When we have been deeply hurt, especially by someone we love, forgiveness can be a difficult process. But God's Word can be our guide toward reconciliation.   

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Posted on Jun 20, 2019      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalMen's Christian LivingProphecyWomen's Christian Living

On God, Black Holes, and the End of the Universe

Have you seen it? The first picture ever taken of a black hole? The existence of black holes is considered almost commonsense in the twenty-first century, but it wasn’t long ago that black holes were regarded as absurd—even outrageous—by the best scientific minds.

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Posted on Jun 18, 2019      Topic : Prophecy

Is Heaven the Same for Every Believer?

Have you ever wondered if what you do on earth really matters? Join Mark Hitchcock as he takes a look at what the Bible says about eternal rewards and why it matters.

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Posted on Jun 13, 2019      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalWomen's Christian Living

What to do When We Fall Out of Step with God

When life gets busy, is your time with God the first thing to go? Author Jen Babakhan shares what you need to know about this slow drift and what you can do to stop it.  

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