Posted on Nov 18, 2021      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalWomen's Christian Living

What Are the Four Most Important Relationships That Will Define Your Daughter’s Development?

A girl's tween years are critical in her development. Mom, your influence and guidance is crucial during this key time in your daughter's life. 

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Posted on Nov 16, 2021      Topic : Women's Christian Living

Celebrate Thanksgiving With This Sweet Potato Pie Recipe

Give thanks for this scrumptious sweet potato pie recipe. Try something new this holiday season.

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Posted on Nov 09, 2021      Topic : Prophecy

The Three Groups of People in Bible Prophecy

End-times Bible prophecy includes mention of three groups of people— God has a clear prophetic plan for all three. These three peoples are separate in many ways, but their paths have been interwoven together throughout history.

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Posted on Nov 04, 2021      Topic : Men's Christian LivingWomen's Christian Living

How to Win the Battle for Your Daughter’s Body Confidence

Unhealthy body consciousness can have serious effects on your child. Here's how to help your daughter make the shift from being body conscious to body confident.  

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Posted on Nov 02, 2021      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalWomen's Christian Living

Finding Strength in God After Admitting to Weakness

Cindy Beall’s life changed forever when her husband of nine years confessed to pornography addiction and numerous affairs. Using her remarkable story alongside practical biblical insights, Cindy helps husbands and wives grieve and heal as they trust God’s power to resurrect beauty from the debris of betrayal.

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