Posted on Jun 28, 2022      Topic : Men's Christian LivingProphecyWomen's Christian Living

How to Deal With the Increase of Christian Persecution

The new definition of tolerance is making it virtually impossible for Christians to not feel scrutiny when taking a stand for biblical values. Especially, when Christian values seem to be more and more counteractive to the world's new secular views.

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Posted on Jun 23, 2022      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalWomen's Christian Living

What Keeps Us from Saying Yes to God?

His love is based on His perfect surrender at the cross. But, first, we must break the barriers, go through the gatekeepers of grace, choose to accept this love. It's only then,  walk this truth for it to make a difference in how I journey through life.

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Posted on Jun 21, 2022      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalMen's Christian LivingWomen's Christian Living

Fighting the Vague Prayer Syndrome

When you are bold enough to pray specific prayers, you give God an opportunity to become visible—real—in your life, in a way, he wouldn’t without that specificity.

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Posted on Jun 16, 2022      Topic : Men's Christian LivingWomen's Christian Living

Are Your Children Getting Your “First Fruits” or Your Spiritual Leftovers?

Leftovers are fine for a quick and easy meal, but it when it comes to your child's spiritual development, God is calling you to offer your "first fruits" in all your efforts as a parent. 

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Posted on Jun 14, 2022      Topic : Men's Christian LivingProphecy

The Rise of Globalism

The rapid development of advanced technology has created a rise in globalism. Interconnection and interdependence are becoming more and more of an everyday norm, and faster than what we can even comprehend.  However,  apart from God, the utopic visions advocated by globalists will never become reality.

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