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Posted on Jun 25, 2020      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalWomen's Christian Living

We All Need to Be Rescued Sometimes

Author and veteran volunteer first responder Andrea Jo Rodgers has answered thousands of calls for help over the last three decades, but none quite like this one.

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Posted on Jun 23, 2020      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalWomen's Christian Living

Dear Singles: Your Pain Is Valid

Sometimes the struggle of singleness is treated like it shouldn’t affect us, or like it’s not a real problem at all. But God recognizes your grief, and gives you permission to mourn, to seek his comfort, and to know that the sadness you're feeling deserves to be acknowledged.

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Posted on Jun 18, 2020      Topic : Men's Christian LivingWomen's Christian Living

Rediscovering the Value of a Father’s Presence

With dads spending more time in the home than ever before, one thing that has always been true is now even more abundantly clear—children need their fathers.

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Posted on Jun 11, 2020      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalMen's Christian LivingWomen's Christian Living

Praying to God in His Own Words

"I came back to France with that hunch of promise tucked into my heart as well as a new direction to pray—to read Scripture, then pray its words back to the Lord." How Mary DeMuth discovered the transformational power of praying through the Bible's prayers. 

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Posted on Jun 09, 2020      Topic : Men's Christian LivingWomen's Christian Living

Great Ideas for Getting Into God’s Word

This helpful excerpt from You're God's Girl Back-to-School Planner will encourage your daughter to develop a healthy habit of reading her Bible regularly. Share this article with her today.

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