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Posted on Oct 08, 2018      Topic : Men's Christian LivingWomen's Christian Living

Why Should You Care About the Creation Story?

The story of Creation isn't just about the beginning of the earth and the fall of Adam and Eve. It has a lot to do with how we should live today. Discover how.

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Posted on Oct 04, 2018      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalWomen's Christian Living

Adjusting to an Empty Nest? Let God Be Your Comfort

Empty nest syndrome is real, and so are the emotions surrounding it. Author Bonnie Sparrman understands and has some helpful advice to share.

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Posted on Oct 02, 2018      Topic : Women's Christian Living

The Key to Creating a Rich Quiet Time Habit

A regular, habitual quiet time is an important tool for staving off a lazy faith and protecting against a wandering heart.

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Posted on Sep 27, 2018      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalMen's Christian LivingWomen's Christian Living

What Makes a True Hero?

Behind every true hero lies a heart of character. Develop these traits and you too can be a champion in life. 

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Posted on Sep 26, 2018      Topic : Prophecy

Let This Sink In

Christ's return is a foundational truth of the Christian faith, but in our day, we tend to treat the topic like a crazy uncle the family never talks about.

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