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Am I Messing Up My Kids?
Am I Messing Up My Kids?

Overflowing with practical ideas, short Bible studies, and plenty of encouragement, this inspiring resource will help moms to realize that—with God’s wisdom and mercy—they can experience peace and satisfaction while raising their kids.


Breaking the Worry Habit…Forever!
Breaking the Worry Habit…Forever!

Going beyond the simplistic “just pray,” Elizabeth acknowledges it’s hard to “let go and let God” and then draws on the Bible and personal experience to provide step-by-step advice for finding the positive, understanding what can’t be changed, heading off anxiety, and realizing Christ’s constant, loving presence. Includes discussion questions.

52 Things Sons Need from Their Moms
52 Things Sons Need from Their Moms

Angela Thomas brings wisdom, humor, and compassion to her new book for moms. Find encouragement and inspiration as she lays out creative ways to help you connect with your son’s heart. This fun, guilt-free resource will help you delight in the small moments that make for an abundant life.

52 Things Kids Need from a Mom
52 Things Kids Need from a Mom

Bestselling author and mother of four Angela Thomas delivers a helpful, encouraging gathering of 52 inspiring ideas for moms who, in the whir of busyness, long to connect with their kids. Moms will learn to lead with God’s love in the small moments that make up an abundant, intentional life.

365 Things Every New Mom Should Know
365 Things Every New Mom Should Know

This daily guide to the first year of a baby’s life combines prayerful, playful, and practical information to energize new moms. Features weekly devotionals and daily activities that foster a baby’s physical, emotional, social, and spiritual growth.

Kick the Boring Out of Your Life
Kick the Boring Out of Your Life

How does a woman make the wise decisions that will create a beautiful life?  In her new book, author and speaker Donna Carter offers practical and spiritual advice that can help you create the life you love.

31 Days to Becoming a Happy Mom
31 Days to Becoming a Happy Mom

In 31 Days to a Happy Mom, Arlene Pellicane helps you get a grip and find your smile. In her easy-to-read-and-apply guide, you will learn the keys to being a happy mom. Packed with encouragement, funny stories, and wisdom from experienced mothers, this book will change your home for the better…beginning with you.

21 Ways to Connect with Your Kids
21 Ways to Connect with Your Kids

21 Ways to Connect with Your Kids offers a straightforward, workable plan to create new avenues of connection between parents and their kids. This handy guide coaches moms and dads to do one simple thing each day for three weeks to connect with their kids even in the midst of busy schedules.

15 Verses to Pray for Your Husband
15 Verses to Pray for Your Husband

Discover key Bible passages you can use as a springboard for lifting your husband up to God. Praying the Scriptures is especially powerful because you are actually praying what God desires for your spouse. As you pray in this way, you’ll draw closer to both God and your husband.

15 Minutes Alone with God
15 Minutes Alone with God

Spend 15 minutes a day nurturing your relationship with God. Each entry in this beautifully bound edition features a short Scripture reading, key verse, a heartfelt devotion, easy action steps, and additional verses for further study.


10 Ways to Prepare Your Daughter for Life
10 Ways to Prepare Your Daughter for Life

Annie Chapman encourages mothers to share 10 essential truths that will help their daughters succeed, including turning to Jesus for wisdom, cultivating inner and outer beauty, understanding the differences between men and women, and establishing successful relationships. Annie provides practical guidance for helping young women develop discernment, trust, and integrity.

10 Secrets of Extraordinary Women
10 Secrets of Extraordinary Women

Do you long to live a life that shines with joy, compassion, energy, and illuminated faith? Julie Clinton, president of Extraordinary Women ministries, offers you gifts to be treasured—gems of godly wisdom, biblical illustrations, relatable life examples, transforming prayers, and encouragement to spark lasting, remarkable change within you.

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