Posted on Nov 08, 2018      Topic : Men's Christian LivingProphecy

The Six Big Mistakes People Make with Prophecy

Part of the challenge of understanding Bible prophecy is that along the path of prophecy are hidden land mines, traps that snare you, and stumbling blocks that threaten to trip you up in your quest for God’s truth.

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Posted on Nov 06, 2018      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalMen's Christian LivingWomen's Christian Living

Is God on Your To-Do List?

Looking for a creative way to express your faith? Author Ellen Elliott has an inspiring idea for you.   

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Posted on Nov 01, 2018      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalMen's Christian Living

Jesus Still Changes Everything

It’s easy to feel disconnect and insignificant in a vast universe. But when you meet the one who made the stars—and you—it changes everything.

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Posted on Oct 30, 2018      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalWomen's Christian Living

Learn to See Yourself the Way God Sees You

How seeing yourself the way God sees you is like looking into a giant magnifying mirror of your entire being.

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Posted on Oct 25, 2018      Topic : Inspirational/Devotional

Marvel at God’s Great Masterpiece

Jesus's family tree is part of the Bible for a reason. Discover a deeper appreciation for one of God's great works of art. 

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