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Posted on Nov 29, 2016      Topic : Women's Christian Living

Do You Have a Personal Statement of Faith Like Rahab?

Are you able to state clearly what you believe? Rahab did—and her statement of faith saved her life.

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Posted on Nov 17, 2016      Topic : Men's Christian LivingWomen's Christian Living

Why Do Christians Suffer? Seeing a Purpose for the Pain

Why all the pain? If God loves his people, why doesn’t he guard them from all the hurt?

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Posted on Nov 10, 2016      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalMen's Christian LivingProphecy

When Warrior Jesus Returns to Fight the Greatest Battle

We are going to have a front-row seat at what is going to be the greatest battle ever fought.

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Posted on Nov 07, 2016      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalMen's Christian LivingWomen's Christian Living

A Heartfelt Prayer for Our Nation on Election Day

Jesus, release me from the fear that today changes everything…or that today changes nothing.

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Posted on Nov 03, 2016      Topic : Fiction

Once Apart at the Seams, Can True Love Be Mended?

In this touching excerpt from Sewn With Joy, a young Amish couple struggle to save their relationship before it completely unravels. 

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