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The Non-Prophet’s Guide to the End Times Workbook
The Non-Prophet’s Guide to the End Times Workbook

Todd Hampson makes the sometimes-challenging study of Bible prophecy delightful and even fun as he brings clarity to the chronology and events of the last days with dozens of graphics and charts in this interactive workbook. 


The Harvest Handbook of Bible Prophecy
The Harvest Handbook of Bible Prophecy

With 150+ topics on the most important subjects of prophetic study compiled from 40+ experts, The Harvest HandbookTM of Bible Prophecy is a reference resource that provides a comprehensive overview of everything the Bible says about the last days.


Unearthing the Bible
Unearthing the Bible

From the earliest tablets of creation to artifacts connected with the life and resurrection of Jesus, Unearthing the Bible shows you can be confident there is an abundance of archaeological support for the history told in the Scriptures.


Clay Jones, a professor of Christian apologetics, examines the many ways of facing death and how our ‘immortality projects’ are largely unsuccessful, even destructive. He also points to the hope of the only true immortality available to all.

The Story of the Cosmos
The Story of the Cosmos

The Story of the Cosmos takes a deeper look at the universe and explores the traces of God’s glory in the latest discoveries of astronomy, science, literature, and art—all of which point to a God who makes Himself known in the wonder and beauty of His creation.

What the Quran Really Teaches About Jesus
What the Quran Really Teaches About Jesus

James K. Walker takes you through more than 10 similarities and differences between the Jesus of the Bible and the Jesus of the Qur’an. The more you know, the better equipped you’ll be to reach out with truth and love to your Muslim neighbors.

The Unshakable Truth Study Guide
The Unshakable Truth Study Guide

Complementing the The Unshakable Truth, this growth guide’s 13 sections cover all the material in the book. A great resource for parents, pastors, leaders, youth groups, and church groups, it reveals Christianity’s meaning, credibility, and relevance in today’s life and culture. Ideal for a 13-week course; adaptable for a 52-week one.

The Truth Behind the New Atheism

There is a new atheism rising up and attacking Christianity—an atheism that says God is a cruel savage, science has refuted the Bible, and Christianity has hurt the human race.

Author David Marshall offers powerful arguments in defense of the faith—arguments that will enable readers to respond to this new atheism with confidence.

Searching for Noah’s Ark
Searching for Noah’s Ark

Dr. John Morris offers personal accounts and geological, historical, and biblical evidence in his decades-long search for Noah’s Ark. Each exhilarating story will inspire you with confidence in the historical accuracy and trustworthiness of the Bible.

Reasoning from the Scriptures with Muslims
Reasoning from the Scriptures with Muslims

Who was Muhammad? What kind of inspiration and authority does the Quran have?How can Muslims be reached with the good news? Each chapter examines a Muslim belief and compares it with biblical Christianity.

The Popular Encyclopedia of Church History
The Popular Encyclopedia of Church History

An ideal resource for anyone who want a clear, user-friendly guide to understanding the key people, places, and events that shaped Christianity. Includes more than 400 pages on the wonderful heritage of the Christian faith.

A Biblical Point of View on Intelligent Design

Intelligent design is a topic of debate in the educational, political, scientific, and religious arenas. But why? Is it in opposition to evolution? Does it represent Creationism? National director for Probe Ministries Kerby Anderson explores the arguments, the truths,  the myths, and the questions readers should be asking about intelligent design.

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